Technology leader for high performances thermal systems


NASA TFAWS 2019 – Lattice Structure for Heat Exchanger

Find our presentation and article at NASA Thermal and Fluid Analysis WorkShop about the use of lattice, foam and cellular structures for heat transfer enhancement.


Additive manufacturing opens a wide range of opportunities for thermal systems. From a numerical 3D CAD and only one machine it’s possible to create a very complex shape adapted to the available casing for the system and adapted to the physical phenomenon. In this paper, we have shown that theory of porous media can be applied to heat exchanger as well as cold-plate. We perform an optimization on a simple square plate. We gain some degrees on the thermal objectives and reduce pressure drop and weight. This methodology can be extended to more complicated shape as shown on a curved cold-plate. As these simulations on porous media run fast, it will be possible to apply an automatization that will help the engineer for enhancing performances or modify a he wishes the geometry. Finally, heat exchanger manufacturers will gain in times on the whole supply chain.

Une nouvelle façon de concevoir et de produire pour les énergies du futur